Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sixteen Candles

Finally, Billy and I have some peace and quiet this weekend. I'm typing out this blog post from the comfort of my pillowy chair wrapped up in an incredibly fuzzy blanket while Billy is on the couch to the left of me reading something other than a law casebook for the first time in months, if not years (almost since the last Harry Potter book came out, I'm pretty sure - which is before law school started).

This past week has been a rollercoaster of a week, mostly postitive. I spent the two days prior to my birthday sick and watched my birthday float on by without much ado. Which is fine because we all had a much bigger event on our minds - Billy's graduation from law school. As Billy put it, "This is like Sixteen Candles for you, isn't it?" I hate to admit it, but there were certainly times this weekend where I felt a little bitter, just like Molly Ringwald's character in that movie, but I also realized that it was unfair to Billy on such a big day that will only happen once for him. I mean, I get a bunch more birthdays to celebrate right? So, anyway, three years later, I finally got confirmation that the hard work and late nights and lonely exam weeks actually resulted in all of that ending...well, at least ending after his Bar review classes in July. The ceremony was lovely - the weather was perfect and the setup in the law school quad was quite honestly picture perfect. I'll have to post some pics once I get them transferrred over to my laptop.

So, Billy graduates, and when we get home from lunch, we get a call from our real estate agent. The sellers agreed to our counter-offer (in which they pay pretty much all of the closing costs) and they signed the agreement. We get official copies signed tomorrow and then I guess we begin the "due diligence" section of the home buyers' exam. Every time I think about the fact that we're about to become full-fledged homeowners, I nearly collapse in a panic attack. The house is going to be fantastic, I'm not worried about that...but we're dealing with so much money! Eeek!

Anyway, just had to get all of this weekend's stress out of the way so that I can possibly sit down and enjoy the last few hours of this weekend before I hit the work grind again.

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