Monday, March 10, 2008

Hurry up and wait

It seems only appropriate that the first couple of weeks with Lauren would be a game of "hurry up and wait." That's exactly how Dr. Pohl described how labor and delivery would be with her if we chose to induce and it looks like she's deciding to continue that tradition on her own. As soon as she wakes up for whatever reason, she screams bloody murder, so you have to hurry over to her to see what's wrong. Once you determine that and fix the problem (dirty diaper, feeding, just wanting to be held, etc), you can either play with her if she's alert or watch her go right back to sleep (which seems to be the case more often than not). If she's going back to sleep, you have to immediately figure out what you're going to do with the free moments afforded you - and you know you should sleep while she's sleeping, but geez, there's so much other stuff that needs to be done!

Today is the first day in a long time when I've been completely alone with Lauren since she was born. Actually, I think today is the first day I've had with her all to myself, and I'm happy for it. Granted, I would be happier if Billy could be here too and share in this experience with us, but boy am I glad to have grandparents back where they live. Both sets of grandparents were incredibly helpful, but at the same time, they couldn't help but get in the way somewhat...and kind of screw up any kind of rhythm we might have been able to establish with her. I think this week is going to be tough because she's gotten so used to falling asleep in a grandparent's arms or on someone's chest, so getting her acclimated to the crib isn't going to be fun.

Oh well - we have a screaming baby - time to hurry up and find out what's wrong!

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