Monday, June 18, 2007

Closing...closing...CLOSED! (I think)

I don't know how often closings are conducted in restaurants - let's be honest, Summit's is a bar with tables and food as decoration only - when the wall behind your bar is filled with at least 100 taps, people aren't coming to your establishment for the food. Anyway, Billy and I are conviced that we need to make up a T-shirt saying "I bought my house at Summit's" or something like that. We sat for two hours signing our lives and firstborn children (as well as Constutional rights) away. Some of the documents required witnesses, so I think we ended up having five different members of the waitstaff and management sign for us as well. Eventually, all we needed to do was raise a hand and ask "Can I get a witness?!" and waitresses were clamoring to sign.

So, we get our keys and check out the house that night before going home and we're glad to see it hasn't been firebombed or anything. We do another walkthrough getting an idea of what improvements we want to make first and then go back home (since it's 11:00 on a work night).

The next day, I get a call from Billy saying "Um, we've don't own the house yet." Turns out the bank never signed the certified check we turned in for the down payment. So, he had to leave Bar review early, drive 2.5 hours to Atlanta from Athens, just to resolve the check issue. Once he got to Atlanta, he leared the check issue was already resolved, but that lo and hehold, there were issues with the documents we signed the previous night. The mortgage holder wasn't satisfied with our signing without our middle names on the bank documents, even though we had signed name affidavits attesting to our names without middle names. The entire firm called BS on the issue, but I ended up leaving work early to add my middle name in to some of the documents and resigning others all together.

All that being said, we haven't heard of any other problems with the closing and no one has come to take back the keys or change the locks on the doors, so I think we're in the clear finally. Last night, I packed about 15 boxes of books, craft supplies, framed pictures and vases. All stuff that we can live without for the next couple of months. Billy and I moved over the first load last night and dumped it in the office, and I packed up the second load last night and packed them into my car.

It's amazing how bleak apartments look when you're in the process of moving out of them. When you move in the first day, you see the white walls as a blank slate for all your stuff. When you're moving out, you just feel like you're getting closer to living in a hospital or something. Normally I hate packing things up to move, but since we're moving to our own house, I'm pretty excited and had trouble stopping last night.

Now that the house drama is over for the most part, I can at least stop talking about it in every post and maybe make this look like there's something else going on my life other than this house. That might be kind of hard to do, now that I think about it though.

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