October is a big month for us - we're progressing to putting Lauren down earlier for bed (she is now ready to go down for the night at 7:00, if not earlier), feeding her chunkier foods and finger foods like fruity puffs, and I'm going to be making my first two big out of town business trips next week and the following week. Granted, going to Mobile is just one night, and traveling to Charleston will just give her a chance to get spoiled by Grandpa and Grandma Huffman, but it's a big development for me as I've been shielded from traveling since coming back to work and I don't know how in the world I'm going to find time to pump while traveling with my boss in Mobile. Talk about awkward!
But, we'll figure it out - we always have.
In September, before the weather turned truly autumnal, Billy, Lauren, my parents
I just can't wait until she's really old enough to get out and do things! That's the one thing that Billy and I need to force ourselves to do - get outside with Lauren and experience lots of different things...even if it creeps into her afternoon nap schedule a little bit! We're had such tight control over her sleeping schedule in extreme deference to Weissbluth that I'm afraid we might be going a bit overboard with it and remaining prisoners at home more than we should.
Anyway, that's a thought for taking care of this weekend - perhaps a short hike around Sawnee Mountain will do the trick. One week the Pumpkin Patch - the next week, the world!
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