Finally back to a computer where I can upload pictures from Billy's law school graduation. Might as well tell the story behind the pics as I go along...

Credit goes to these guys (and David Gussio who is missing from the photo shoot) for getting Billy out of the library or the apartment and out on a football field every once in a while for a stress-relieving football game. Granted, Billy returned the favor by letting them borrow the Wii for a few days when we first got it...

ZOMG! It's Billy getting his diploma!!1!
When Billy first started Law School, my first thought was, "Oh God, what have we gotten into?" Moving to a new town with nothing but maxed out student loans to pay the rent and bills (only until September, thank God), starting down a path where it is said that 50% of couples split up by the time the end comes around, trying to start new friendships where none exist...it was terrifying to be honest. But, I can honestly say that I count all of these people (Anna and Amy in the front; Anuj, Sean, Granville in the back...and Goose, Dix, Pam, and all the other folks that are attached to them) friends three years later.
And, hey, I think my family have been pretty darn supportive during this crazy endeavor, so Billy's in-laws deserve a spot immortalized in their daughter's unremarkable blog!

When Billy first started Law School, my first thought was, "Oh God, what have we gotten into?" Moving to a new town with nothing but maxed out student loans to pay the rent and bills (only until September, thank God), starting down a path where it is said that 50% of couples split up by the time the end comes around, trying to start new friendships where none exist...it was terrifying to be honest. But, I can honestly say that I count all of these people (Anna and Amy in the front; Anuj, Sean, Granville in the back...and Goose, Dix, Pam, and all the other folks that are attached to them) friends three years later.

1 comment:
This is great info to know.
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